Home / News / Metabo HPT MultiVolt Compound Miter Saw C3610DRA

Metabo HPT MultiVolt Compound Miter Saw C3610DRA

Aug 03, 2023Aug 03, 2023

The Metabo HPT MultiVolt Compound Miter Saw C3610DRA is a remarkably capable carpentry tool. It can operate as a cordless 36V saw or work off an AC adapter. I’ve had it in my shop and in my trailer, using it to trim out a ton of projects. Most recently, I used it to finish up both wood flooring and trim on a beautiful kitchen remodel.

I’ve used many miter saws over the years, but the C3610DRA was my first experience with the Metabo HPT MultiVolt platform. I can safely say that I’m hooked. I’ve used the saw extensively both in my shop and in my trailer. At the shop, I relied on the AC adapter. In the trailer or on-site, the 36V MultiVolt battery took center stage. It has all sorts of power and the battery life is excellent.

That power source flexibility is compelling enough to consider this miter saw, but Metabo HPT sweetens the deal with some fine details. Left and right table extension wings are my favorite among those details. The extra stability they add during the cut is noticeable. Most 10-inch miter saws have much narrower tables. Aiding the wings are two sub-fences that likewise stabilize taller molding.

The Metabo HPT MultiVolt Compound Miter Saw's bevel and miter locks, positive stop lock, and miter detent override are all conveniently (and safely) located on the front of the saw.

With buttons near the miter saw's trigger handle, you can activate the onboard LED light or turn on the laser cut line. Unsurprisingly, the red laser is difficult to see in bright light, which is simply the nature of using lasers outdoors. However, I also had a difficult hard time getting it dialed in to be right on the cut line. Either the fence got in the way or the lasers would drift over time. This is one of my few complaints about this otherwise great saw.

The rear zero-clearance slide rails, which allow the tool to work in small spaces, give me a smooth cutting action. It remained smooth even after the rail started to oxidize a bit, as you might see in the photos. At 90°, the Metabo HPT MultiVolt Compound Miter Saw makes a generous 12-1/2-inch crosscut.

Woodworking enthusiasts will love the depth control knob that allows for dados and rabbets. Accomplishing these joints without swapping out a table saw blade for a dado stack will certainly save you some time. If you usually make these cuts with a single flat top grind blade on your table saw, you might find using the Metabo HPT miter saw's depth control knob method easier to see as you go.

Editor's Note: See our article on How to calibrate a miter saw.

You obviously can't ding a tool because it functions as designed. As a compact, 10-inch saw, the Metabo HPT C3610DRA miter saw is outstanding. Seasoned Pros will know that such a saw will do great on 3-1/2 inch standard base and smaller. But if you plan to cut a lot of 5-1/4-inch base standing up or without a lot of finagling, you might get frustrated with the Metabo HPT's capacity. You can get the job done, it's just not ideal for big molding. That's not the saw's fault.

Otherwise, the size and weight make carrying it and transporting it to the job site very simple. Here are the various capacities of the Metabo HPT 10-inch miter saw:

We have to keep in mind that few miter saws have the Metabo HPT MultiVolt compound miter saw's dual power capability. Here's a look at the Metabo HPT compared to other 10-inch, cordless-only options. Prices include the tool-only versions.

The dual power capability of this Metabo HPT Miter Saw is enough to make it a serious contender for your next 10-inch miter saw. But Metabo HPT sweetens the deal with premium features that keep your work accurate and stable. I had a little trouble dialing in the laser cut line, but I prefer the shadow cut line anyway and that worked flawlessly. Whether plugged in at the shop or running on its 36V pack in my trailer or on the job, I had confidence in its accuracy and power for every miter, bevel, and crosscut I made. Keep in mind it's a 10-inch saw which makes it best suited for 3-1/2 base and smaller, though it can get the job done on bigger molding, too. I rely on it heavily to trim out all of my jobs.

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Editor's Note: Vertical Cut Depth Capacity: Cuts at 45 Degrees: Metabo HPT MultiVolt (36V) C3610DRAQ4: $519